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Winter's Gate Samhain Masque

Saturday October 30th, 2021
Fairbanks, Alaska

Come ghoulies and ghosties, and long legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night... We invite you to come join us in an evening of masques and mayhem in the theme of Word Play! Break out your best Allegories, Metaphors, and even Puns! Make costumes of merriment or dispair, of frivolity or seriousness, or darkness or of light.... only your imagination limits you! This needs not be a new outfit, it can be an old one reimagined! Have fun with it!

Feast will be a communal potluck. Please bring a dish, with ingredient list, that will feed at least 8. This must be something that is either in individually wrapped servings or clearly served with utensils (i.e., ladles, etc).

Competitions include Best Mask, Best Total Themed Ensemble, and Best Medieval Subtlety “Finger Food” dessert (MUST be individually wrapped servings). Shake the cobwebs out of your heads, and just have a bit of fun! It should be a wonderful evening to help us face the oncoming cold of winter.

Please note, the site is Discreetly wet. Please keep all bottles and containers covered.

Event Fee is FREE. Donations are always gladly accepted.

Event Steward: Margery Garret (mka Michele Griffin) — E-mail: — Phone: (907)590-0868

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Site opens at 1PM and closes at 10PM

From Fairbanks Airport, head south on Airport Way. Turn left on University Ave. Turn right on the Johansson Expressway. Turn left on Danby Rd. Turn right on Bainbridge Blvd. Arrive at the Walden Estates Community. The Community Center is at the intersection of Bainbridge and Hampstead Center.