Oerthan winters are dark and cold and dreary, so come join the populace of Winter’s Gate for a day in the Casbah. Imagine the hot sun and warm breezes caressing and thawing out your frozen fingers, toes, and soul. Soft cushions to rest upon. Peeled grapes to satisfy one’s hunger. Cool water to slake one’s thirst. Ah, such bliss, such decadence.
The day’s merriment includes a cheesiest Arabian garb/belly dance outfit contest. There be a pot luck buffet at 4 PM to allow time for Baronial court before the evening drum circle and hafla.
There will be opportunities for such merchants who opt to brave the burning sands, and there will be a Baronial white elephant sale/swap meet to help gently used stuff find new homes.
Event Steward: Sapphira the Navigator (Vicki Wyan) — Phone: 907 374 0212 (no calls after 10 pm) — E-mail: vicwyan@hotmail.com.
Walden Estates Community Center (1108 Hampstead Avenue, Fairbanks AK 99701)
From Fairbanks Airport, head south on Airport Way. Turn left on University Ave. Turn right on the Johansson Expressway. Turn left on Danby Rd. Turn right on Bainbridge Blvd. Arrive at the Walden Estates Community. The Community Center is at the intersection of Bainbridge and Hampstead Center.