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Far West Baronial Birthday (Osan AFB, Republic of Korea)

Saturday June 16th, 2012

June 16, 2012

Far West Baronial Birthday - Barony of the Far West

The Palatine Barony of the Far West celebrates it birthday! There is to be a "New Comers" contest for the best feast gear setting.

Site information: Osan Chapel, Osan AFB, Republic of Korea

Autocrat:  John Bowyer


12:00 - Gate opens

12:30 - Heavy Demo

13:30 - SCA 101 - Lord Robert

14:30 - T Tunic - Baroness Thomasina

16:30 - Rapier Round Robin / Demo

19:00 - Feast - Lord John

20:00 - Court

21:00 - Site Closes

Site fee: Contributions accepted. Non-members fee: none.